

U-LINK Mental Health Request for Applications

Purpose: This call seeks to fund interdisciplinary projects leveraging innovative concepts aimed at mitigating the rising rates of mental illness, and targeting social issues that exacerbate them. This call for applications will: 1) support building a sustainable and meaningful partnerships with academic or community partners; 2) support projects that will identify, develop, and/or test strategies to enhance the creation, adoption, integration, scale-up, sustainment of evidence-based mental health promotion and/or treatment approaches; 3) promote the submission of grants to external funding agencies; 4) build trust and engagement among team members and collaborators to build sustainable partnerships prior to conceptualizing and submitting a grant to ensure effective team integration; and 5) promote scholarly publications and scientific presentations derived from these proposals.
Eligibility: We plan to fund new teams of faculty representing at least two distinct disciplines (e.g., a team comprised of individuals from humanities, social science, engineering, design, medicine, and basic science). Priority will be given to teams that approach this challenge by establishing creative collaborations drawing from diverse methodologies and/or approaches to scholarship and problem-solving. Meaningful engagement of academic, community and/or external partners is required.

We encourage and look forward to creative applications that demonstrate interdisciplinarity across multiple Schools and Colleges. 

Award Amount and Funding Duration: We will fund up to 10 projects for at least one year, covering up to $100K in eligible expenses per project. Projects will start June 1, 2025 through May 31, 2026. Please note – U-LINK will optimally support longitudinal work, occurring over multiple years, to assess the longer-term impact and diverse outcomes of funded projects. To maximize the number of projects supported by this initiative, we encourage applicants to request no more than the amount required to complete the proposed work. For specific budget guidelines, please see the Budget Guidelines document.

Please refer to RFA for additional information. 

If looking for potential collaborators, please submit your research interest(s):

To submit an application:

  • Information Session - TBA
  • Applications due by 5PM - October 9, 2024