We encourage and look forward to creative applications that demonstrate interdisciplinarity across multiple Schools and Colleges.
Award Amount and Funding Duration: We will fund up to 10 projects for at least one year, covering up to $100K in eligible expenses per project. Projects will start June 1, 2025 through May 31, 2026. Please note – U-LINK will optimally support longitudinal work, occurring over multiple years, to assess the longer-term impact and diverse outcomes of funded projects. To maximize the number of projects supported by this initiative, we encourage applicants to request no more than the amount required to complete the proposed work. For specific budget guidelines, please see the Budget Guidelines document.
Please refer to RFA for additional information.
If looking for potential collaborators, please submit your research interest(s): https://umiami.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_396RDeR0hZS5cma
For a list of research interests and potential collaborators: https://miami.box.com/s/sz2f36wxpc6sg3iz7nd9hdjsx5il849u
Information Session Recording (September 12, 2024): https://umiami.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/U-LINK+Mental+Health+Call+-+Information+Session/1_0kpd6stu
To submit an application: https://miami.infoready4.com/#competitionDetail/1941478